Zero Tolerance

Last Updated: 11-04-2021

HUM is concerned for the safety of passengers and drivers. HUM has a zero-tolerance policy of a driver operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the course of a ride.

Passengers who reasonably suspects a driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the course of a ride are requested to report the incident to: HUM Passenger Care: 800 835-7103 Ext 102

California Public Utilities Commission’s Consumer Intake Unit that handles passenger carrier complaints: 1-800-894-9444 and

HUM Antiracism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

This policy is established to affirm HUM’s support for efforts to promote antiracism and achieve diversity, equity and inclusion for our passengers, drivers and employees.


Antiracism is the practice of identifying, challenging and changing the values, structures and behaviors that perpetuate systemic racism.
Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another, including but not limited to, race, color, ethnicity, gender, sex, gender identity, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, genetic information, military or veteran status, and physical appearance. It also involves different ideas, perspectives and values.
Equity is providing everyone with access to the same opportunities and potential for success. Equity ensures fairness by adjusting for differences in advantages and barriers.
Inclusion is authentically bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision and policy making in a way that shares power.

Promotion of Antiracism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at HUM

HUM embraces and promotes antiracism, diversity, equity and inclusion, and fosters, cultivates and sustains antiracism, diversity, equity and inclusion in its activities, community involvement, employment, policies and programs.

Passengers, Driver and Employees who reasonably suspects they have been subject to a violation of HUM’s Antiracism. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy are invited to contact:

Garrett M. Kolb, President  800 835-7103 Ext 101 or email